The Journey of Hip Heads: From Borrowed Girlfriends Hair Ties to Trendsetting HIP Accessories


Introduction: In 2021, The story of Hip Heads is a tale of necessity meeting innovation, driven by one man's quest to solve a common, yet often overlooked problem on an everyday bases. Nathan Beamenderfer, the founder of Hip Heads, turned a personal inconvenience into a thriving business that offers stylish and functional hair accessories for men, women, and kids. Here's a closer look at where it all began.


The Humble Beginnings: It all started with a simple act of "borrowing." Nathan, like many other men with long hair, often found himself in need of a hair tie. Without one of his own, he frequently borrowed his girlfriends hair ties. While convenient, this habit came with its own challenges.


Nathan recalls: "I was always borrowing my girlfriends hair ties, and it became a running joke between us. I'd inevitably lose them or stretch them out because I didn’t care about them, they’d break all time, and they constantly be buying new ones. One day, I was rushing into work trying to get out of the house and needing a hair tie and happen to take the last one leaving my girlfriend with nothing in hand. I got a text about an hour after I got into work lecturing me that the hair tie borrowing has ended. I had to start buying my own. It was a funny moment, because I never saw such frustration when a woman can’t tie her hair back because her man took the last one!”


A Trip to the Store: Taking his girlfriend's advice to heart, Nathan that day on his way home from work ventured into the women's aisle of a local target to buy his own hair ties that became a very awkward experience, to say the least.


"I remember standing there, surrounded by an overwhelming array of hair accessories with about 5 woman, feeling completely out of place in the moment. I decided to leave target and head over to a few of my favorite local surf shops where I tend to do a majority of my shopping to see if they had anything that was in mind. It all struck me right then. There were no gender-neutral options and I couldn't find them anywhere.


The Lightbulb Moment: This experience planted a seed in Nathan's mind. He realized there was a gap in the market for hair accessories that catered to everyone, not just women. What if there were hair ties that were not only functional, but also stylish and marketed for men, women, and kids alike? This idea was the spark that led to the creation of Hip Heads.


Nathan shares: "I saw a niche idea forming. Hair accessories are a daily necessity for many people, regardless of gender or age. Why not create a brand that embraces this universality and offer products that are both practical and fashionable and could be worn as a fashionable trending bracelet?”


Building the Brand: Nathan set to work. designing hair ties and accessories that were durable, stylish, and appealing to a broad audience. He experimented with various materials and designs, ensuring that each product met the highest standards of quality and aesthetics. The result was a line of hair accessories that were functional enough for everyday use and stylish enough to be worn as fashion statements, and cool enough to leave you feeling good no matter where you were at.


“ I was tired of the regular traditional hair ties that broke all the time, cut off the circulation around my wrist, and ripped my hair out. From there, I wanted to create an outdoor activewear performance product that solved all of those issues. I was a travel hockey player my whole child hood career, played golf in the summer times during the off season with my grand father, and played high school baseball on top of it to keep myself busy. I always had the best equipment because when I had the best equipment, I felt like I had no excuse, but to play my best. There’s a saying I always went by, “look good, feel good, play good.”  I knew there was something missing when it came to the hair fabrics, and so I kept looking for more reasons to solve the problem.


The Birth of Hip Heads: In 2021, Hip Heads was officially launched. The brand quickly gained traction, resonating with people who appreciated the thoughtful design and inclusive approach. From colorful hair ties and headbands to multifunctional accessories, Hip Heads offered something for everyone.


A Commitment to Quality and Style: Nathan's commitment to quality and style has been the driving force behind Hip Heads' success. "Our goal has always been to create products that people love to use and feel confident wearing. We want our customers to feel like they're part of a community that values both function and fashion." We wouldn't make any products that we wouldn't use ourself.


Expanding the Horizons: Today, Hip Heads continues to innovate and expand its product line. With a focus on inclusivity and versatility, the brand has become a go-to source for hair accessories that cater to a diverse clientele. Whether you're hitting the gym, heading to work, or enjoying a day at the beach, Hip Heads has the perfect accessory to keep your hair in check and your style on point.


Conclusion: Nathan Beamenderfer's journey from borrowing his girlfriend's hair ties to creating a successful hair accessory brand is a testament to the power of innovation and recognizing market gaps. Hip Heads stands as a reminder that sometimes, the best ideas come from solving everyday problems. As the brand continues to grow, it remains committed to providing stylish, high-quality hair accessories for everyone.


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